Прекрасная книга! Конечно, хотелось бы побольше романтических моментов :)) Джерви под конец куда-то пропал из виду.... ) легко читать в оригинале! Прекрасное изложение, язык. Советую очень изучающим английским, уровень B2.
It was great fun, though I have seen better candy. When it was finally finished, and ourselves and the kitchen and the door-knobs all thoroughly sticky, we organized a procession and still in our caps and aprons, each carrying a big fork or spoon or frying pan, we marched through the empty corridors to the officers' parlour, where half-a-dozen professors and instructors were passing a tranquil evening. We serenaded them with college songs and offered refreshments. They accepted politely but dubiously. We left them sucking chunks of molasses candy, sticky and speechless.