Цитаты из книги Artificial Intelligence. Hello, Dad
If this paragraph gives off a whiff of conspiracy theory, push past it. After reading the book Project Russia: Hello, Mama, the haze will clear, weak points will be illuminated, and the incomprehensible will become understandable
The success of a new venture primarily depends on whether people see this activity as the purpose of their lives and a mission they were born to fulfill or merely as a job to gain power, fame, or money
No state in the world can openly legalize human experimentation. The door is open. Whoever steps through it first will become an absolute leader. Not the leader of a race, because there is no race here. Simply a leader — unmatched, omnipotent, and elevated above the entire world
The Strugatskys write that those left behind found this unpleasant:
«In fact, it looks as if humanity is splitting into higher and lower races. What could be more repugnant? Of course, this analogy is superficial and fundamentally incorrect, but you cannot escape the feeling of humiliation when you think that one of you has gone far beyond a limit insurmountable for hundreds of thousands. …Humanity, sprawling across a blooming plain under clear skies, surged upward. Naturally, not as a crowd, but why does this upset you so much? Humanity has always advanced into the future through the sprouts of its best representatives.» (The Waves Extinguish the Wind)
«In fact, it looks as if humanity is splitting into higher and lower races. What could be more repugnant? Of course, this analogy is superficial and fundamentally incorrect, but you cannot escape the feeling of humiliation when you think that one of you has gone far beyond a limit insurmountable for hundreds of thousands. …Humanity, sprawling across a blooming plain under clear skies, surged upward. Naturally, not as a crowd, but why does this upset you so much? Humanity has always advanced into the future through the sprouts of its best representatives.» (The Waves Extinguish the Wind)
The gap between a traditional human and one merged with AI will initially resemble the gap between humans and apes. It is impossible to imagine that this process will stop. In the second stage, the divide between the new and old humans will become an unbridgeable chasm. The minority that ascends will care as much for the majority left behind as you care for insects.
Such indifference cannot be judged negatively for the same reason that a human’s indifference to the fate of the bacteria living inside them is not judged. Morality has no place here. The only metric is functionality: if the bacteria are beneficial, they are treated well; if harmful, they are eliminated with antibiotics
Such indifference cannot be judged negatively for the same reason that a human’s indifference to the fate of the bacteria living inside them is not judged. Morality has no place here. The only metric is functionality: if the bacteria are beneficial, they are treated well; if harmful, they are eliminated with antibiotics
The only chance for fish to survive in a drying sea is to grow legs. The only chance for humanity to survive in a world where AI exists is to «grow» intelligence not only equal to but superior to AI.
This cannot happen naturally. The solution lies in the formula: «X+1> X,» where X represents the capabilities of Artificial Intelligence (AI), and 1 denotes the enhancement introduced by human integration. Humans must ascend to the next evolutionary step by enhancing their intelligence through the artificial fusion of the human brain with AI.
This cannot happen naturally. The solution lies in the formula: «X+1> X,» where X represents the capabilities of Artificial Intelligence (AI), and 1 denotes the enhancement introduced by human integration. Humans must ascend to the next evolutionary step by enhancing their intelligence through the artificial fusion of the human brain with AI.
The age of the traditional human is nearing its end. Many thinkers have spoken of this for a long time. For example, Foucault wrote: «Man will be erased, like a face drawn in sand at the edge of the sea.» Nietzsche declared that humanity is a rope stretched between the ape and the Übermensch.
The age of the traditional human is nearing its end. Many thinkers have spoken of this for a long time. For example, Foucault wrote: «Man will be erased, like a face drawn in sand at the edge
«The story of humanity began when people invented gods, and it will end when people become gods themselves.»
nothing to worry about, when in fact no one understands, no solutions exist, and no one is looking for them. In the former scenario, knowing we know nothing, there is a chance someone might propose something meaningful. In the latter, there is no chance because no one is searching, as no one recognizes a problem