Arthur Machen is best known for his influential supernatural, fantasy, and horror fiction. His novella The Great God Pan (1890; 1894) has garnered a reputation as a classic of horror, with Stephen King describing it as “Maybe the best [horror story] in the English language.”Machen was a great enthusiast for literature that expressed the “rapture, beauty, adoration, wonder, awe, mystery, sense of the unknown, desire for the unknown” that he summed up in the word ecstasy.The NovelsTHE HILL OF DREAMSTHE TERRORTHE SECRET GLORYEPILOGUETHE GREEN ROUNDThe Shorter FictionTHE CHRONICLE OF CLEMENDY: OR THE HISTORY OF THE IX JOYOUS JOURNEYS. CARBONNEKINTRODUCTIONEPISTLE DEDICATORYMASTER PERROT’S DISCOURSE OF ALETHE PORTREEVE’S GAUDY-DAYSTRANGE STORY OF A RED JARTHE SPIGOT CLERK’S FIRST TALEHOW THE FOLK OF ABERGAVENNY WERE PESTERED BY AN ACCURSED KNIGHTTHE LORD MALTWORM’S FIRST TALEHOW A MAN OF CAERLEON FOUND A GREAT TREASURETHE RUBRICAN’S FIRST TALETHE TANKARD MARSHALL’S FIRST TALETHE QUEST OF CONSTANCYBY THE WAYTHE SPIGOT CLERK’S SECOND TALE.THE PORTREEVE’S SOLEMNITYTHE TALE TOLD BY THE SEIGNEUR OF LA ROCHE NEMOURSTHE JOURNEY HOMEWARDSIGNOR PIERO LATINI’S TALETHE LORD MALTWORM’S SECOND TALETHE RUBRICAN’S SECOND TALEEPILOGUETHE GREAT GOD PAN, AND THE INMOST LIGHTThe Great God PanThe Inmost LightTHE THREE IMPOSTORS: OR THE TRANSMUTATIONSTHREE IMPOSTORS PROLOGUE.ADVENTURE OF THE GOLD TIBERIUS.THE ENCOUNTER OF THE PAVEMENT.NOVEL OF THE DARK VALLEY.ADVENTURE OF THE MISSING BROTHER.NOVEL OF THE BLACK SEAL.INCIDENT OF THE PRIVATE BAR.THE DECORATIVE IMAGINATION.NOVEL OF THE IRON MAID.THE RECLUSE OF BAYSWATER.NOVEL OF THE WHITE POWDER.STRANGE OCCURRENCE IN CLERKENWELL.HISTORY OF THE YOUNG MAN WITH SPECTACLESADVENTURE OF THE DESERTED RESIDENCE.THE HOUSE OF SOULSIntroductionA Fragment of LifeThe White PeopleThe Red HandTHE ANGELS OF MONSIntroductionThe BowmenThe Soldiers’ RestThe MonstranceThe Dazzling LightThe Bowmen And Other Noble GhostsPostscriptTHE GREAT RETURNTHE SHINING PYRAMID, 1923The Priest and the BarberThe Spagyric Quest of Beroaldus CosmopolitaA Wonderful WomanThe Lost ClubNature, or, The Splendid HolidayDrake’s DrumTHE SHINING PYRAMID, 1924The Arrow-Head CharacterThe Eyes on the WallThe Search for the BowlThe Secret of the PyramidThe Little PeopleTHE GLORIOUS MYSTERYThe Rose GardenPsychology, or, Fragments of PaperThe Holy ThingsA New Christmas CarolTHE COSY ROOM AND OTHER STORIESThe Cosy RoomA Double ReturnMunitions of WarThe Gift of TonguesThe Islington MysteryAwakingOpening the DoorThe Compliments of the SeasonTHE CHILDREN OF THE POOL, AND OTHER STORIESChildren of the PoolOut of the EarthChangeThe Exalted OmegaThe Tree of LifeOut of the PictureThe Bright BoyUNCOLLECTED TALESCandletimeCidermasThe Town of Long AgoOver the GateOf the Isle of Shadows, and of the Strange Customs of the Men That Dwell ThereA Further Account of The Academy of LagadoTales from BaratariaSir John’s ChefRus in UrbeBy the BrookThe AutophoneThe Marriage of PanurgeThe Brook FarmA Remarkable CoincidenceAn Underground AdventureThe Young Man in the Blue SuitThe War Song of the WelshThe Light That Can Never Be Put OutJocelyn’s EscapeThe Story of Sergt Richard Haughton and What Happened To Him on the SommeThe Calvary of Azay7b Coney CourtRitualJohnny DoubleNThe Happy ChildrenThe Dover RoadThe PoemsELEUSINIATHE ASSEMBLING.THE SEA-SHORETHE FASTTHE PROCESSIONTHE DAY OF TORCHESIACCHUSTHE INITIATIONTHE REMEMBRANCE OF THE BARDTHE PRAISE OF MYFANWYThe Non-FictionTHE MEMOIRS OF JACQUES CASANOVA DE SEINGALT, 1725–1798THE ANATOMY OF TOBACCOHIEROGLYPHICSDR STIGGINS: HIS VIEWS AND PRINCIPLESMISCELLANEOUS ESSAYSTHE SECRET OF THE SANGRAALTHE STROLLERWHEN I WAS YOUNG IN LONDONTHE GLITTER OF THE BROOKLONDON THIRTY YEARS AGOTHE JOY OF LONDONRE-DISCOVERY OF LONDONDR JOHNSON’S DISAPPEARING ACTTOM O’BEDLAM AND HIS SONGTHE ONLY WAYTHE GRAY’S INN COFFEE HOUSEA NOTE ON POETRY